University and College Union (UCU)
University and College Union (UCU)

University and College Union (UCU)

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100,000 - 250,000
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University and College Union (UCU)

UCU represents academic and academic-related staff in UK universities and colleges.
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About the company

The University and College Union (UCU) is a British trade union that represents academic and academic-related staff in higher education institutions across the United Kingdom. The union was formed in 2006 through the merger of the Association of University Teachers (AUT) and the National Association of Teachers in Further and Higher Education (NATFHE).The UCU is the largest trade union and professional association for academics and academic-related staff in the UK, with over 120,000 members. The union's members include lecturers, researchers, librarians, administrators, and other staff working in universities, colleges, and other higher education institutions.The UCU's main aim is to protect and improve the pay, conditions, and job security of its members. The union negotiates with employers on behalf of its members to secure better pay and conditions, and to protect their rights at work. The UCU also provides legal and financial support to members who are facing workplace issues or disputes.In addition to its work on pay and conditions, the UCU is also involved in campaigning on wider issues affecting higher education and society as a whole. The union has been a vocal critic of government policies that it believes are damaging to higher education, such as cuts to funding and the introduction of tuition fees. The UCU has also campaigned on issues such as gender and racial equality, and the protection of academic freedom.The UCU is run by a democratically elected leadership, with members having a say in the union's policies and priorities. The union's decision-making bodies include an annual congress, a national executive committee, and regional committees.Overall, the UCU plays a vital role in representing the interests of academic and academic-related staff in higher education institutions across the UK. Through its work on pay and conditions, as well as its campaigning on wider issues affecting higher education and society, the union helps to ensure that its members are treated fairly and that the UK's higher education sector remains strong and vibrant.

Carlow Street, London, NW1 7LH, United Kingdom
University and College Union (UCU)

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